Orthograde Endodontic Treatment Through A Gold Crown
Endodontic Case Study
Patient C presented with an acutely painful tooth 26. The tooth had a full gold crown placed a couple years prior and had been asymptomatic up until the recent development of pain. Orthograde endodontic treatment was performed for the tooth over two visits with calcium hydroxide dressing.
At the first visit, the tooth was conservatively accessed and irrigated with NaOCl. There were four canals located and cleaned. The Mb1 and Mb2 canals were curved and required several passes with hand files no 8,10, 15 prior to create a glide path. Shaping of the canals was achieved with ProFile Vortex Blue instrumentation 15, 20, 25, 30.
One week after debridement was completed Patient C was asymptomatic, and the tooth was obturated with gutta percha and AH Plus sealer. A deep palatal split was obturated via the warm vertical obturation technique.
A composite resin restoration was placed to close the access. The patient is scheduled for endodontic review at 6 months.