Orthograde Endodontic Retreatment With Review

Endodontic Case Study

Patient D presented with a dental abscess associated with tooth 25. The tooth had been previously endodontically treated with an Endodontist in the patient's teens and had developed issues, eight years later. Orthograde endodontic retreatment was performed for the tooth over two visits with calcium hydroxide dressing.

At the first visit, the tooth was accessed and old gutta-percha remnants removed using retreatment files D1, D2, D3. The shaping of the canals was achieved with ProTaper Next instrumentation X2. The canal was purposely over instrumented with a small no. 10 k-file to ensure patency, and calcium hydroxide was placed.

Three weeks after debridement was completed Patient D was asymptomatic, and the dental abscess had resolved. The tooth was obturated with gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer.

A composite resin restoration was placed to close the access.

The endodontic review at 6 months, showed evidence of increased bone deposition in the periapical area. Patient D was relieved as she had no issues with the tooth following treatment.
