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Intracoronal Bleaching Case Study

Patient age23
Patient sexMale
Chief complaintMy tooth is sore and changing colour
Medical historyNothing of note
Dental historyPatient sustained a knock to the tooth during a brawl over 4 months prior
Clinical evaluationVirgin tooth that is tender to percussion & palpation. No response to sensibility testing
dental equipment
DiagnosisNecrotic pulp and acute apical periodontitis
Treatment plannedOrthograde root canal treatment and intracoronal bleaching
AlternativesOrthograde root canal treatment and veneer to mask discolouration
TreatmentOrthograde root canal treatment over two visits
Chemomechanical debridementInstrumentation with k-file to produce a reproducible glide path, rotary NiTi to finish the preparation & irrigation with NaOCl. MAF X2 (ProTaper Next)
DressingCa(OH)2 for 1 week
ObturationWith GP & AH Plus sealer. Warm vertical condensation technique.
Orifice barrierGIC
BleachSodium perborate for 2 weeks