Endodontic Retreatment And Amalgam Core

Endodontic Case Study

Patient B presented with a previously endodontically treated tooth with persistent chronic apical periodontitis. The tooth had become painful to touch over the last year. Orthograde endodontic retreatment was performed for the tooth over two visits with calcium hydroxide dressing.

At the first visit, the tooth was accessed and old gutta percha remnants removed using retreatment files D1, D2, D3. Stubborn GP in the apical third were addressed with eucalyptus oil and paper points, with the paper point wicking technique. Shaping of the canals was achieved with ProTaper Next instrumentation X2, X3.

Two weeks after debridement was completed Patient B was asymptomatic, and the tooth was obturated with gutta percha and AH Plus sealer.

The previous amalgam restoration was removed and a new amalgam core place utilising 2mm of canal orifice space for retention (aka Nayar core). The patient was then referred back to their general practitioner for the rehabilitation of the tooth with a crown.

The patient is scheduled for endodontic review at 6 months.
