Periodontal Therapy

tooth icon root canal therapy

Your First Consultation

Your first visit is a detailed clinical examination and treatment plan discussion, where several options and scenarios will be presented. You will have the opportunity to discuss any specific concerns that you may have.

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Periodontitis (also known as gum disease) results in the progressive destruction of supporting structures of teeth, which includes not only the gums, but additionally the supporting jaw bone.

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Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificially made teeth that are placed into the jaw that look, feel and perform like natural teeth. They can be used to replace one tooth, several teeth or a whole arch.

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Crown Lengthening

A gummy smile refers to a smile with excess display of the gums. This can lead to an unaesthetic smile. One such cause of a gummy smile is when the gums excessively grow over the teeth, leading to the appearance of small teeth.

To work towards helping achieve best patient outcomes, Jeremy is pleased to discuss or answer any questions you have regarding complicated cases.