Dr Cindy Zhou

PROSTHODONTIST BDSc (Hons), DClinDent (Pros)

Cindy completed her Bachelor of Dental Science at the University of Queensland in 2018, graduating with first class honours. During her time working as a dentist in regional Western Australia, she was commended with distinctions in the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS) Primary Examinations. Cindy’s interest in helping patients to restore their dental aesthetics and function led her to pursue specialist training in Prosthodontics at the University of Melbourne in 2022. During this time, her research thesis on analogue versus digital workflows for aesthetic prosthodontic planning won the Postgraduate Research Award from the Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists.

Cindy has a passion for giving back to the dental community, having held past roles as Secretary of the Melbourne Dental Postgraduate Group, Vice President of the Australian Dental Students Association and Secretary of the University of Queensland Dental Students Association. She has also been involved in tutoring the next generation of dentists as a demonstrator in fixed prosthodontics at the University of Melbourne and La Trobe University.

Cindy continues to be involved in dental education through lecturing at study clubs and strives to maintain up-to-date knowledge by being a member of professional organisations such as the International Team for Implantology, Australian Prosthodontic Society, Australasian Osseointegration Society, International College of Prosthodontists, Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists and Australian Dental Association.

In her spare time, Cindy can be found in the dance studio, enjoying the theatre or with a paint brush in hand. She also enjoys unplugging from the hustle and bustle by going on hikes and camping.

Dr Cindy Zhou

Practice Mission

Here at Australian Dental Specialists our mission is to provide you with the finest Endodontic, Periodontic and Prosthodontist treatment using the latest equipment and techniques in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere.

We provide specialised dental services with the highest levels of integrity and your best interests at hand. Your treatment options are designed using an evidence-based approach and carefully illustrated and discussed at every point in the journey.

At Australian Dental Specialists you can have peace of mind that you will be given treatment that will allow you to be pain free and go back to a normal lifestyle in the shortest possible timeframe.

Australian Dental Specialists Reception
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